Professional Guitarist & Instructor

From Jazz to Jam

Elevate your jazz and jam band guitar playing by delving into improvisation techniques, harmonic understanding, and the fusion of jazz and jam band influences.

Blues Foundations: Beginner blues Course

Master the art of playing blues on the electric guitar, from foundational techniques to expressive solos and rhythm playing.

Blues Mastery: Advanced Blues

Elevate your blues guitar playing to a professional level by diving deep into advanced techniques, improvisation, and mastery of various blues styles.

Jazz Essentials: Unveiling the Melodic Path

Lay a solid foundation for playing jazz guitar by introducing fundamental techniques, chord progressions, and improvisation concepts.

Jazz Essentials Pt 2: Bridging Beginner and Advanced

Progress your jazz guitar playing to a higher level by focusing on advanced chord voicings, improvisation techniques, and exploring different jazz styles.